Upping My Fitness Game

For anyone who has been reading this blog for a while, you know I go in and out of gym phases. I'm either giving it my all.....or nothing at all. 

At the beginning of January, along with half the country, I started going to a gym (again). This wasn't like before, it's not a six week challenge where there's a definite beginning and end. This is basically just what I do now, and hopefully will continue to do for the foreseeable future.

I've been going to classes in Advanced Fitstop, Tyrrelstown, about three times a week, just to improve my general strength and fitness (my arms are like noodles!). These 45 minute classes cover pretty much everything including spinning, weights, exercise and cardio, and I'm always trembling by end! The classes are somehow horrific but brilliant at the same time.

What I notice about this gym is how I'm treated no different than anyone else, but still get personal attention when I need it. There's all sorts of people doing the classes and we all do the same exercise, but if someone is struggling the trainer is over straight away to help out. In my short few weeks there the trainers know what I'm capable of and what areas need improvement, so even though it's not a one on one PT session, you still get the attention and encouragement as if it was.

I've been to plenty of gyms where the trainers just shout out exercise and that's it, no help, no involvement. But I really see a difference at Advanced Fitstop in how they go about training, the classes are definitely tough but never daunting. The trainer is always rooting for you!

I don't want to sound like I'm just plugging a gym, but I really feel it deserves the recognition. It's still early days yet so I'm no skinny minnie, but I've definitely improved in my fitness, strength, balance and coordination. If you're looking to up your fitness game but have no idea where to start, AF could be the place for you :)

Snapchat @jennniferdevitt



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