Snapchat TMI tag

If you're on Snapchat you may have seen a few people doing  the TMI (too much information) tag over the last few days. It's a tag where you answer 50 somewhat personal questions about yourself, hence TMI.  I was tagged by @itsallgblog and did the tag earlier on today (Snapchat @jenniferdevitt) but I don't want people who aren't on Snapchat to miss out, so here's the questions  I answered....

1. What am I wearing?
A new stripy Penneys jumper.

2. Ever been in love?
Yes, and luckily I still am :)

3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
Thankfully no, no breakup is ever pleasant but luckily none of mine have been nasty!

4. How tall are you?
I'm gonna say 5"4....max.

5. How much do you weigh?
This is also a guess as I don't fancy hopping on the scales right now, so I'm guessing 9 & 1/2 stone.

6. Any tattoos? 

7. Any piercings?
Just my ear lobes now, I did have my belly button, tongue and tragus pierced when I was younger but have removed them over the years

8. OTP (one true pairing/favourite couple)
I think this means favourite celebrity couple and I can honestly say I don't have one!

9. Favourite show?
Desperate Housewives, without a doubt! I never missed an episode and have all the box sets, I was devastated when it ended! But I am currently loving How To Get Away with Murder!

10. Favourite band?
None really,  but I have seen Franz Ferdinand live three times so that must stand for something?

11. Something you miss?
I really miss living with Dean, but I also miss my brother and sister who live abroad.

12. Favourite song
I'm no good with having a favourite anything! Ha! So no favourite song but I am currently loving Justin Beiber's song 'Sorry'

13.How old are you?

14. Star Sign?

15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Someone's who's generous, not with money but with their time, kindness and humour.

16. Favourite Quote?

17. Favourite Actor?
Jessica Chastain, especially in The Help, Zero Dark Thirty and Lawless.

18. Favourite Colour?
Green...emerald to be precise!

19. Loud or soft music?
Tough one, but I'd go with soft.

20. Where do you go when you're sad?
To my Mam or Dean, both are great shoulders to cry on.

21. How long does it take you to shower?
10 minutes, but if we're going full on shaving and exfoliating I'd say 20 minutes.

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Long.....too long! I always get up an hour and a half before I leave for work, I like to make sure I enjoy my breakfast and look well put together for the day ahead of me.

23. Ever been in a physical fight?
Maybe a push and a shove when I was younger but nothing major.

24. Turn on?
A man who is well dressed and well groomed (definitely not over groomed though) and I love good teeth.

25. Turn off?

26. The reason I became a blogger?
I was studying for exams and was seriously procrastinating so set up the blog!

27. Fears?
I wouldn't be very fond of spiders and I find the turbulence on a plane absolutely terrifying!

28. Last thing that made you cry?
Saying goodbye to my sister in Canada after visiting her in September.

29. Last time you said you loved someone?
I told my boyfriend Dean I loved him a few hours ago

30. Meaning behind your blog name?
I think it's pretty self explanatory but I didn't want to limit my blog to just one topic as it's about my life and style.

31. Last book you read?
The Girl on the Train, and I'm dying to see it made into a movie!

32. Current book?
I'm not reading anything an the minute

33. Last show you watched?
 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (not something I'd watch regularly!)

34. Last person you spoke to?
My parents, we had a riveting conversation about how much washing up was to be done!

35. The relationship between you and the last person you text?
The last person I texted was my boyfriend Dean

36. Favourite food?
Favourite sweet food is chocolate, favourite savoury food is pasta

37. Places you want to visit?
The main places I'd love to visit soon are Santorini, Shanghai and Morocco

38. Last place you were?
I'm going to interpret this as abroad and that was Oslo, mid November 2015.

39. Do you have a crush?
Besides from thinking my boyfriend is alright, this fella from Making a Murderer is a bit of a silver fox :)

40. Last time you kissed somebody?
I would have kissed Dean a few hours ago, when I said I loved him.

41. Last time I was insulted?
I honestly cannot remember, which has to be a good thing!

42. Favourite sweet flavour?

43 What instruments do you play?
None....probably for the best!

44. Favourite piece of jewellery?
My Pandora bracelet, I just love how every charm has a bit of a story to it.

45. Last sport you played?
I haven't played a team sport in a long, long time!

46. Last song you sang?
I sang along to Justin Bieber's 'Sorry' in the car this eveing.

47. Favourite chat up line? up lines are never a good idea!

48. Have you ever used it?
I've never used any chat up line!

49. Last person you hung out with?
Dpes watching my boyfriend play Xbox count as 'hanging out'?

50. Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone can answer these! But I have peronally asked @makeupbylisa (Snapchat name) to answer these as well!


Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Facebook @ The Life and Style of Jen
Instagram @ The Life and Style of Jen
Snapchat @jennniferdevitt


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