Christmas Tag

Thanks to Lisa from Cuddles and Contouring who tagged me in this Christmas themed post, there's no way I'd say no to writing about one of my favourite times of the year!

1. What's your favourite Christmas movie?

My favourite Christmas movie is without a doubt Home Alone 2! But more recently me and my Mam have been loving those made for TV movies that are on the shitty channels you get with your Sky box. They're so cheesy but we can't resist watching them!

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

Sorry now.....who in their right mind opens presents on Christmas Eve (except for Christmas Eve pj's of course)?! We always open our presents first thing Christmas morning! When we were younger we'd be up at the crack of dawn begging my parents to let us open them, but now we're that bit older we give ourselves a bit of a lie in!

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

I don't have one memory that sticks out, but the best memories I have all involve going to my nana's on Christmas night. I have quite a big family, with a lot of cousins and on Christmas night all the aunties, uncles and cousins would go to my nana's house, get more presents, play with each other toys and eat our weight in chocolate!

4. Favourite Christmas Food

Mushy peas!! And the best part is not many people like them so I get loads! Same goes for the strawberry sweets in the tin of Roses, they always get left for me!

5. Favourite Christmas Gift

Oooooh this is a tough one!!! I remember nearly wetting myself with excitement when I got Super Nail Station, and that's going back about 17-18 years. As with most presents it was soon forgotten about, and I got in shit off my Mam when she told me the lengths she had to go through to get it - and subsequently the truth about Santa :(

6. Favourite Christmas Scent

For the past few years my Mam has always bought myself and my sister Chanel Chance perfume, so after we'd have our breakfast and were dressed up in our Christmas gear my sister and I would drench ourselves in our new perfume! The house would smell like it for days! 

7. Have you any Christmas Eve traditions.

For a long, long time my Christmas Eve tradition was working in retail from 8am-5pm and then going home absolutely shattered! Things have changed in recent years though, and now Christmas Eve involves a family dinner in our favourite restaurant followed by drinks with my friends in the pub.

8. What tops your tree?

Nothing actually tops my tree, we have quite a big tree and here is literally no room between the top of the tree and the ceiling!

9. As a kid what was the one extravagant gift you asked for but never got?

I have to say Santa was always very good to me, I always got what I asked for :) But I also knew too well not to ask for anything extravagant ;)

10. What's the best part of Christmas for you?

The best part of Christmas for me is the time I get off work. It gives me and my family a great chance to spend time together, even if it is just sitting on the sofa watching movies. 

So there you have it, my Christmas tag :) And it wouldn't be a tag if I didn't tag a few other bloggers...

Just The F Word
Lipstick,Glitter & Me
Dreaming In Sequins
Passions and Preening



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