6 Week Challenge Diary: Week 1

Well I've survived my first week!! I only managed to go to the gym three times, as I had a very busy week celebrating my exam results and my birthday! But before I get into things, let's go back to this day last week, before the challenge had even started....

I got weighed and measured in the gym and was 61.6kg. That for me is a bit heavy (emphasis on the for me, we're all different here). A year ago I would have been delighted to see that number, but I can do better and I know that weight is just from too many bottles of cool Corona, delicious spice bags and an awful lot of sweet.....sweet chocolate......*drooling. 

So what have I been doing for my challenge? I did two classes of Boxercise and one class of Strength & Conditioning, and Christ on a bike they were tough!! I nearly fainted in my first class! I knew it wasn't going to be a piece of cake (can't stop thinking about food) but after one class I could hardly lift my arms to brush my hair, let alone do a full face of make up! But as they say.....no pain, no gain, and even though I'm struggling to walk, I know it's a good pain to be feeling!

Motivating Quotes About Enjoying Fitness - Motivational Quotes: 18 Fitness Quotes to Inspire You to Work Harder - Shape Magazine

As for food, I'm not starving myself by any means, I'm just eating way healthier and am being really disciplined when it comes to snacking! I know how to eat healthy and I usually do, just the last few weeks I was eating everything in sight because I knew this challenge was coming up.

If you follow me on Snapchat (jenniferdevitt) I usually post pictures or videos of every meal, but if you don't, let me fill you in :) For breakfast I usually have porridge or poached eggs, then a coffee & fruit when I get to work. I always sprinkle the Lidl Milled Linseed onto the porridge, because plain porridge would actually make me gag!! Lunch is usually a salad (see below) then dinner is fish/chicken, rice and veg or my lovely wrapless burritos! And I always have a bag of popcorn or a jelly pot to snack on :) Being healthy doesn't have to be boring, if your looking for flavour think spices not sauces :)

So a week in and I'm feeling sore but good :) The diet is definitely the hardest part as it's constantly on my mind, but hopefully all the discipline will pay off :)

I'd love some feedback on this post because on one hand I don't want to overload you with information but on the other hand I know there's a lot of interest in this challenge :) So feel free to get in touch!



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