Liebster Award Post

Thanks to Grace from It's All G Blog for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I'd say a lot of you have no idea what I'm talking about so let me quickly fill you in. The Liebster Award nomination is in it's simplest form a chain letter (but a good one) from one blogger to another. It's a great way to share and support other bloggers as well as discovering new ones.
It also gives readers a bit more personal information about the blogger, which I am always wary of, but it's good to step out of your comfort zone.

So for this I was asked 11 questions, I've to nominate other 11 bloggers and I've to ask them 11 different questions. These are the questions I was asked to answer from Grace.

1. Describe yourself in three words?
Meticulous....which is not always a good thing!
Uneasy.....I always like to be doing something! I can't sit down for too long and I hate to waste the day with a lie in!
Indecisive....because it took me three days to pick another word!

2. Whats the main aim of your blog
To show my readers my views and opinions on the shops, products, clothes and brands I like, and of course share some of my day to day happenings.

3. What are your top 5 makeup picks?
Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation
Mac Prep and Prime Primer
Inglot Sparkling Dust
Collection Liquid Eyeliner
Catrice Brow Kit

All my favourites on one face!

4. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
My boyfriend, Dean. I'm not interested in having dinner with a celeb or dead person, my number one choice for a dinner date will always be Dean (he always picks good food!).

5. What is your favourite item of clothing?
Zara jeans! I just love them, they perfectly fit my short legs and are really affordable!

6. Favourite birthday/Christmas present ever received?
Hmmmm...tough one! I got bedroom furniture for my 21st and still love them! Such a sensible present for a 21 year old! ha!

7. Proudest moment so far is..

Probably my blog, ha! it's the only 'hobby' I've stuck to!

8. If you had to pick a motto to live by what would it be?

My favourite motto is 'A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of a sheep' it's a hard one to stick by, but always good to keep in mind.

9. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I'd love to go to Iceland to see The Northern Lights, it's been on the top of my bucket list for a very long time! I'll get there one day!

10. What is your favourite tan to use?
I love Tantastic, it shows up instantly and always gives a lovely even colour.

11. Favourite song and why
I actually don't have one definitive favourite song, but Ewan McGregor's version of 'Your Song' is pretty epic!

I nominate the following bloggers:
And these are the questions my nominated bloggers need to answer:

1. Who or what influences your blog?
2. What's your must have beauty product?
3. Favourite social network site to use for your blog?
4. What grinds your gears?
5. Worst fashion faux pas?
6. Best piece of advice for your 17 year old self?
7. What's the best holiday you've been on?
8. Best way to spend a Sunday afternoon?
9. One piece of advice for a new blogger?
10. Favourite high street shop and best purchase from there?
11. Your most embarrassing moment?

Thanks for reading and make sure you check out the other bloggers I nominated x


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